90. Golden Hour, page posted 12/30/15

Page 39 of 44

Golden Hour — Page 39

Author commentary

Veronica: matt why are you so pure

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

we named paulo best boy by default after the bathroom incident but we forgot about david, who has done nothing wrong and has been an innocent, beautiful cinnamon roll since day one
david for best boy 2016

Tumblr: athousandscreamingreindeer December 30, 2015

Quite an interesting bit of character development for him…and Matt too

Tumblr: blackbearthoughts December 31, 2015

Tumblr: uncommon-kin-food December 31, 2015

this chapter of bcb is basically just “you cant catch me gay thoughts”

Tumblr: bridgebandicoot December 29, 2015

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