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Comment ID #22250
Is there any unrelenting positivity can’t do?
Comment ID #22251
I can see this going either way, she says no and leaves or says yes and actually has fun with Mike for the first time in a year
Comment ID #22252
prediction: lucy beats mike’s ass at this game and now theyre even
Comment ID #22253
James is a precious bean.
Comment ID #22254
Dang Lucy, if looks could kill
Comment ID #22255
Is this the Link Play?
Comment ID #22256
Three ways I see this going down:
1) Lucy says no - Mike is left feeling guilty and ends up leaving the arcade early
2) Lucy says yes - they get competitive and start arguing - they begin saying things that leave an intense emotional impact while the friend group has to watch awkwardly on the sidelines - both leave on a dire note
3) Lucy says yes - they actually start having fun and memories of their childhood playing games together come flooding back - relationship is still fractured but they’re at least willing to admit they had fun and leave on an amicable note
Steven Marshall
Comment ID #22257
I kinda feel like it’ll be a mix of 2 and 3. I don’t see this scenario turning very amicable, but maybe some level of communication might open a little.
Comment ID #22258
When I say amicable, I mean amicable for Mike & Lucy standards which essentially means “they still despise each other but they’re at least willing to leave on civil terms”
Steven Marshall
Comment ID #22259
In no universe does Mike despise Lucy though.
Comment ID #22260
Lucy’s surliness vs James’ oblivious cheerfulness FIGHT
Comment ID #22261
Those eyes.. You must be a Trainer too!
Comment ID #22262
Mike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tRn6NMDN0s
Comment ID #22263
I’ve been hoping for James to say something that might actually, legitimately defuse the tension. Atta boy
Comment ID #22264
James is nice. Can’t say the same about Mike
The Orangewalled
Comment ID #22265
Yeah! How dare Mike *checks notes* try to have a good time with his new friends while actively trying to avoid Lucy like he promised he would without causing a scene. What a jerk that Mike is, am I right?
Look, I get Mike is far from blameless for the events in this comic, and don’t blame anyone for disliking him. But… he’s not really doing anything in this scene? Honestly, aside from maybe pulling James aside for a bit to explain things, he’s handling this as best he can, and I sincerely doubt he’s thinking straight at the moment.
Comment ID #22266
Yeah the guy who told her she’s so unlikable that all her friends hate her, causing her to be physically ill and ultimately attempt suicide, then bawled his eyes out TO THE GIRL HE PUSHED TO ATTEMPT SUICIDE and then KISSED HER the moment things didn’t turn out, just to dump her the next day because he doesn’t have the guts to admit he’s not happy is not really wrong in this scene, where he’s rubbing it in that he has friends and appears likable because *checks notes* he is a grey cat with a scarf. Yes.
The right thing to do here would be to turn to James and say “oh no my explosive diarrhea, sorry I can’t stay” and then excuse himself.
The Orangewalled
Comment ID #22267
“Rubbing it in that he has friends” nah.
Comment ID #22268
Sheer stupid positivity, the Lucy Weakness
Comment ID #22269
I like how James can pick up on some weird vibes and attempts to diffuse a situation.
Haruhi Hatake