116. Link Play, page posted 9/26/22

Page 13 of 32

Link Play — Page 13

Author commentary

Veronica: At least James is on your side because of this first impression, Mike!!!!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #22159

Open up and lets get a third party perspective!

Haruhi Hatake  

Comment ID #22160


Brittany ann  

Comment ID #22161

Glad to see Mike is honoring his promise not to speak to her again. Too bad Lucy doesn't know.


Comment ID #22162

Gonna have to remove a star from Lucy for calling best boy an idiot

Red Miso  

Comment ID #22163

Wow I didn't think I'd ever get to see a mad James


Comment ID #22164

James navigates yet another situation like a well-adjusted young man. You love to see it

Aussie Armstrong  

Comment ID #22165

James: We should also beat her high score to teach her a lesson as well.

Mike: O-o-okay. (what did I get myself into)


Comment ID #22166

I fucking love this interaction for James he must be feeling atrocious vibes


Comment ID #22167

Jucy rises and falls in the span of three pages


Comment ID #22168

Well, that de-escalated quickly.


Comment ID #22169

Lucy really has matured over the last few chapters. Instead of being angry and releasing it on other people, she has learned to let go of her problems and simply move on.


Comment ID #22170

Well we did emphasize he's a lot like Daisy. Starting off strong coincidentally never really seeing Mike's bad behavior and getting a terrible first impression of Lucy. I have such a bad feeling about this for James. Like watching the horror movie character walk directly into the spooky house...


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