116. Link Play, page posted 11/4/22

Page 29 of 32

Link Play — Page 29

Author commentary

Veronica: I know I try to keep Sandy’s mystery a bit by not showing her face a lot of the time (Since Mike can’t see it himself and I want the perspective to be on him when it comes to his calls with Sandy since he’s just as clueless as the reader sometimes), but I think it would be hard to tell she was just kidding around in the second panel from just text alone. I feel people have enough ire towards Sandy to think she was actually being serious/manipulative with this line kshfdrkghdfkgdg


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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #22446

Too late, haha.


Comment ID #22447

Mike: I regret nothing!


Comment ID #22448

Imagine if sandy was still cheating.


Comment ID #22449

She probably is.


Comment ID #22450

We don't see from Sandy's actual perspective on anything so either she is genuinely trying to do better or she's still doing something she doesn't want Mike to know about. I'm hoping it's the first option


Comment ID #22451

We know so little about her. She's charming and manipulative.

Haruhi Hatake  

Comment ID #22452

She might be taking drugs, a lot of fashion models use them.


Comment ID #22453

oh this is really interesting ?? i wonder how it will play out


Comment ID #22454

oh this is really interesting 🤔 i wonder how it will play out


Comment ID #22455

He’s already accepted your apology, just let him get his mind off the subject =/


Comment ID #22456

Thing is... he regretted it almost immediately after seeing Lucy the next day.

Kash Bran  

Comment ID #22457

The more she talks, the more she sounds like she's doing all this because she feels like she owes it to him.


Comment ID #22458

I have a theory that Sandy is doing this because she feels obligated, but not intentionally--her mom's got her so conditioned to behave how other people want her to behave that she has no idea how to prioritize or even differentiate what she wants vs what other people want out of her. I've thought this about her since To The Top. The last couple of panels of that chapter give me the vibe she reacts to Mike that way too when she forces a smile talking to him about how she hopes her photos can make him happy.


Comment ID #22459

Its not a competition but you still need to show you SO that you care and will try for em. So good on Sandy. Lets hope it aint for the wrong reasons tho lol


Comment ID #22460

panel 2 serving a visual parallel to Double Down page 36, panel 7 (the one where Daisy's mocking Lucy)


Comment ID #22461

Oh, trust me, Sandy, you're not the one making me regret this.

Phoebe Zeitler  

Comment ID #22462

Even after everything that's happened, I still want to give Sandy the benefit of the doubt. I really want to believe that she's taking this second chance seriously.


Comment ID #22463

Nah I take this a manipulative response. I honestly feel bad for Mike

Kaleigh Hohenthaner  

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