111. Burnt Bridges, page posted 7/26/21

Page 3 of 28

Burnt Bridges — Page 3

Author commentary

Veronica: Speaking of Decembering someone..

Perhaps you don’t want to be seen by her brother right now..

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #17214

Oh shit its mike, dude iv been saying this the whole time bro this shit between mike and lucy is a miscommunication. Put it on my grave stone, tell me children this is what i thought bro i am convinced. I know it for a fact alright, on god bro this is how it's happening


Comment ID #17215

that'd be a pretty interesting twist if it's the case!


Comment ID #17216

Uh oh, those bridges have been gone for a while


Comment ID #17217

Oh shoot....here we go..


Comment ID #17218

Notice how he still didn't pick up his phone. I think he's beggining to understand.


Comment ID #17219

Good, now Jordan can tell this douche to leave his poor sister alone.


Comment ID #17220

Nah, give me back my wholesome group play fighting. Let sadboi stew for a while

Lady Indigo  

Comment ID #17221

See she was worried about the pain.


Comment ID #17222

This is one of the few times I'd rather just let Mike not be around so I can enjoy my favorite senior group

Aiden Reff  

Comment ID #17223

I'm so torn... I really want a follow up to the last chapter for obvious reasons but I also want more The Seniors just having a good time lol


Comment ID #17224

omg saaaaame


Comment ID #17225

huh. looks like this picks up right after the last chapter ??


Comment ID #17226

You know I honestly wonder how Jordan feels about Mike. Like dies he miss seeing him around since he knew him an Lucy were good friends? Does he feel sorry for him knowing his sister wants nothing to do with any of them (since he's kinda friends with them too???) Like I have an older brother who would do anything fir me if someone hurt me but what if he was friends with the person who hurt me like Jordan kinda is with Mike and the others???? ??


Comment ID #17227

Last I was aware, Jordan was still pretty sour on Mike. Way back in "Breaking Up," he flat out said he blamed Mike for Lucy's attempted suicide. And honestly, fair. Whether or not he still holds that grudge I can't quite discern, but judging by the name of the chapter and the tagline, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that's probably something we're going to be getting more of in the coming pages.

That being said, even if Mike can talk things out with Jordan, he's going to have a HELL of a time trying to work things out with Sam. Sam certainly won't be making it easy for Mike, and I suspect will actively work against Mike's efforts.


Comment ID #17228

Yay Sam, he doesn't get shown enough in this comic. He is by far my favorite lol but I totally agree with everything you said


Comment ID #17229

Jordan: Hey, it worked. My wish for Mike to disappear from existence became true.


Comment ID #17230

huh. looks like this picks up right after the last chapter 🤔


Comment ID #17231

You know I honestly wonder how Jordan feels about Mike. Like dies he miss seeing him around since he knew him an Lucy were good friends? Does he feel sorry for him knowing his sister wants nothing to do with any of them (since he's kinda friends with them too???) Like I have an older brother who would do anything fir me if someone hurt me but what if he was friends with the person who hurt me like Jordan kinda is with Mike and the others???? 🤔


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