111. Burnt Bridges, page posted 8/2/21

Page 6 of 28

Burnt Bridges — Page 6

Author commentary

Veronica: This is a very strange way to confess your love for Mike, David.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #17270

Yashy! You came back!

Airy Frith  

Comment ID #17271

10/10 best comment xD


Comment ID #17272

If that actually happened I think I could die happy


Comment ID #17273



Comment ID #17274

I wonder who it is now we have to wait until monday ??

Brittany ann  

Comment ID #17275

Bets on who it is starting now:


Comment ID #17276

Augustus, lol


Comment ID #17277



Comment ID #17278

Alright I think this is Augustus, he's going to try to fix things


Comment ID #17279

We can only hope


Comment ID #17280

I haaaave a feeling it might be Augustus? I don't think it would be Lucy because she would have had the chance to talk to Mike at homeroom and they'd plan on talking more in-depth conversations later I'm sure. But if it ends up being Lucy I'm all for it too. I am loving the progression of the story lol


Comment ID #17281

I wonder who it is now we have to wait until monday 😩

Brittany ann  

Comment ID #17282

Idk if it’s Augustus like ppl are guessing but I hope it is cause I miss my BOi

Elizabeth Carroll  

Comment ID #17283

I'm betting it's augustus too 🤔

also I LOVE tone of colors on this page 😭💞


Comment ID #17284

It's Daisy she found out he's available now.

Daniel Hooper  

Comment ID #17285



Comment ID #17286

Jordan was my second guess


Comment ID #17287

Jordan was my first thought, but we see him walking away from mike as he's going to his locker. Maybe its Sue or Abbey?


Comment ID #17288

Anyone but Lucy. That girl needs to move on, bra


Comment ID #17289

With the meeting place, Augustus seems the most plausible cuz he's like the only one consistently there besides Lucy.

Kash Bran  

Comment ID #17290

I’m going out on a distant limb and guessing Stacy. Maybe she’s looking for some closure from a guy she’s pined after for a long time?


Comment ID #17291

This chapter is called Burnt Bridges, which makes me think it's going to be someone he is already on thin ice with.

I cant imagine Lucy telling anyone what happened just yet, but I can imagine the people close to her have already noticed something is wrong with her today and suspect it has something to do with Mike.

If this isn't Lucy related, I wonder if it could be Sandy related? Maybe Abbey found a tabloid magazine article saying Sandy has been caught going out with Francis and wanted Mike to know?

I have no idea..


Comment ID #17292

Ah, sh*t. Here we go again


Comment ID #17293

On this chapter of “Burnt Bridges”, which friend will Mike lose next???


Comment ID #17294

Lucy is gonna get august to beat Mike up

Sai Santoso-Miller  

Comment ID #17295

its going to be sam with a metal bat


Comment ID #17296

In any case, if its Lucy-related, there hasn't been enough time between the heartbreak and Mike seeing the note for someone to have written it, if this is happening right after class.


Comment ID #17297

oh snap, I was going to go on a wild limb and say Paolo after what happened the day before, he could have put in it his locker before class. I think it is Augustus, I'm pretty sure Lucy would have told at least him where she was and what happened. Especially since she would have gone home in a great mood. The suspense is killing meee


Comment ID #17298

Mike: Wait, who are you?

IRS Agent: Are you Michael Scott?

Mike: Uh… yeah?

IRS Agent: Special Agent. You owe three hundred thousand dollars in back taxes, I’m afraid you’ll have to come with me.

Mike: What!


Comment ID #17299

My money is on it either being from Abbey (I have no basis for this) or Augustus (since that's his usual meeting place/might have heard from Lucy what happened? unless this is the same day as the previous chapter??)


Comment ID #17300

If that's lucy, I think she would be sad.


Comment ID #17301

The plot twist nobody expected. Francis~


Comment ID #17302

"She playin' us, G."


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