61. Pillow Talk, page posted 3/11/11

Page 29 of 61

Pillow Talk — Page 29

Author commentary

Veronica: flashbaaaaaack~

Man, you see all this and makes you think “FAIR ENOUGH” about Rachel slapping Tess after Rachel’s first appearance. She gets little a slap in the face, as a treat.

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Reader comments

Comment ID #151412

Oh, Tess…. Getting yelled at by some kid isn’t reason enough to break his arm. You sure are on a major power-trip, aren’t ya?

In other news: Come ON, Jess, you don’t want this so stop it.

Kep. March 11, 2011, 6:55 AM EST.

Comment ID #151418

Okay this is what I got;

they’re playing football, but Aaron accidently hits the ball to Tess’ head and she decides to puncture it. Aaron get’s mad and most likely insults and/or shouts at Tess angrily. Big bad boyfriend comes on scene, unhappy with the insults decides to break his arm.

Wow what a dick.

Ryan March 11, 2011, 8:55 AM EST.

Comment ID #151488

I don’t know if I agree that it’s that weird for there to be a flashback within a flashback. This is essentially Jess saying “He was trying to kiss me, and all I could think of was Rachel watching Roger stomp…”

I am surprised nobody has criticised the ABSURDLY DENSE EXPOSITION in this chapter. It is kind of a way of ploughing through a lot of story set up in a framework designed for flashbacks.

SuitCase March 11, 2011, 6:21 PM EST.

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