61. Pillow Talk, page posted 5/11/11

Page 55 of 61

Pillow Talk — Page 55

Author commentary

Veronica: Oh Daisy, you and your desire for attention.

This is the first time Augustus has been mentioned by name in the series, by the way. I think? It might have been mentioned before, I’ve edited these first three damn volumes so much at this point that I don’t even know if this is outdated information or not! I’m hoping Daisy might have mentioned his name in Volume One??? Did it really take that long??


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Reader comments

Comment ID #160742

I’m sort of surprised at Daisy. I had actually thought she was serious about Abbey. But if she’s still thinking of Mike, and of Augustus for gods sake, maybe Lucy’s right. I mean, sure Daisy doesn’t get a lot of attention, but now that she has someone that needs her more than she needs him, she should really start focusing on her priorities.

Great drama, can’t wait to see how it all ends in the next couple weeks.

Carlile May 11, 2011, 12:27 AM EDT.

Comment ID #160756

Wait, is this the first time Augustus’ name has actually been said in the entire comic?

Oh Daisy, Lucy hit the nail on the head here. You being bitter towards Lucy doesn’t solve anything~ Its not like Lucy actually likes the attention anyway.

Well, except for from Mike and Paulo. Sometimes.

Though to be fair, you felt the same way when Paulo went ahead and found some other girl, Lucy~

And Daisy, didn’t you kind of leave him on REALLY BAD TERMS?

I think you did!

Titanium Dragon May 11, 2011, 12:46 AM EDT.

Comment ID #161035

Aw daisy looked so cute with the shinies O.O
I can understand why she would still feel for augustus though, he was the first guy that thought only of her in a romantic sense and didnt have an eye on other girls too. And since mike was going out with sandy she may have felt alone at that time…

Echo May 12, 2011, 12:57 PM EDT.

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