61. Pillow Talk, page posted 5/23/11

Page 60 of 61

Pillow Talk — Page 60

Author commentary

Veronica: they will both need some aloe for those burns

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Comment ID #162765

You just gave fuel to the random crack pairing shippers!
Haha, they’re a perfect emo pair.

Meg May 23, 2011, 12:02 AM EDT.

Comment ID #162794





Blazenarm May 23, 2011, 12:11 AM EDT.

Comment ID #162954

Augustus is just trying to elicit a response from Lucy. One that he can work with, kinda like he did with Daisy, playing with her insecurities and such.
Then again Lucy’s only soft spot seems to be Mike, given the fact that she is SO used to get unwanted attention and reject everyone else but Mike (and Paulo), there is no way she would be upset because Agustus said “I’m not into you”
Isn’t it what she most wanted? not to attract undue attention?

Max May 23, 2011, 10:17 AM EDT.

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