61. Pillow Talk, page posted 3/2/11

Page 25 of 61

Pillow Talk — Page 25

Author commentary

Veronica: Lucy, you need to sit down!

.. Oh right, you’re already sitting. Well, you need to RELAX. Just listen, okay?

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Reader comments

Comment ID #149951

I understand where Lucy is coming from (especially with the present day topic being so personal to her), but this is rather interesting learning Jess’ side of everything. It may not excuse the things she’s done, but it may give us all a deeper understanding. I’m hoping they can all be friends by the end of this party. :D

Oh, and Jazz is going to be a blimp if she keeps at that ice cream! I thought she stopped already!

Asche March 2, 2011, 12:04 AM EST.

Comment ID #150006

Now see, I really think this is a case of “not really tess’s fault in any conceivable way, but it seemed like it was because it was related to her somehow, and everyone blamed tess, and tess blamed herself” kind of situation, not something that’s going to show tess as some horrid monster who has only recently been reformed. It might, however, let me like jess a little more. Right now I’m disliking her enough to think that it could have been all her fault and she was just enough of a self centered brat to not see it and blame jess…

Liz March 2, 2011, 2:18 AM EST.

Comment ID #150086

if you look in the background of Panel 3 you’ll find a framed picture of Daisy and Paulo on Daisy’s desk, how cute.

thatweirdguy March 2, 2011, 4:55 PM EST.

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