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Comment ID #241641
Nng. MIKE. REALLY. You look fabulous. Really. Green is your colour. C:
Also, for some reason, I love his boots. They make me happy. . _.
In other news, this page looks fantastic. Tae, you are amazing. Watercolour never looked s’darn sexy.
Yaschiri March 25, 2013, 12:00 AM EDT.
Comment ID #241649
Normally only comment once every few hundred pictures, but man do I love the coloring job on this one Taeshi. I like how smooth you are getting the colors down, and I am loving how much more clearly you see the texture of the paper underneath. Huge fan of the gradients you did on the carpet, and the fact that the colors are evenly coated. Loving the work, keep it up!

On a side note, can’t wait to see where the play goes!
Thaedael March 25, 2013, 12:03 AM EDT.
Comment ID #241680
He may be a loser, but he does rock the Link ensemble.
Alamoraine March 25, 2013, 4:42 AM EDT.