14. Confrontation, original chapter posted 1/15/10

Page 9 of 30

Confrontation — Page 9



Mike: Huh?
*Mike looks at Alejandro wearily as he gets up. Paulo makes a fist and scowls, while Daisy huddles up behind him.*

*Mike scratches the back of his head.*
Mike: Money back? But I ate th’ choc’lates!

*Alejandro smirks and folds his arms. Toby stands behind him.*
Alejandro: You were a few seconds over.
Toby: Easy mistake to make, kid!

*Alejandro looks down at the radio. A scar is evident below his eye.*
Alejandro: Huh.

*The radio sits trashed on the ground. Mike looks up, blankly.*
Alejandro: That was an expensive radio.

*Alejandro leers at the group.*
Alejandro: I think you’ll all need to pitch in for that.

Alejandro: Let’s say $200. I’m sure a bunch of rich kids can handle it.
*Daisy watches Alejandro, fearful. Paulo protectively puts an arm out in front of her.*
Daisy: P-Paulo..

*Paulo scowls.*
Paulo: Oh, SHUT UP! We’re just trying to get home, alright?

*Paulo shrugs and grits his teeth, irritated. Alejandro looks confused.*
Paulo: Like we’re scared of two punks. Let’s just go.

*Alejandro recomposes himself. He crosses his arms and laughs.*
Alejandro: Hmph.

Alejandro: You don’t know what you’re getting into.
*Daisy looks worried. Paulo maintains his scowl.*

Alejandro: Stay out of trouble, kid. Pay up and you’ll get home fine.
*Paulo, gritting his teeth, balls his hands up into fists and gets ready to spring forward.*

Paulo: Just leave us the hell alone, OKAY?!
*Paulo rushes at Alejandro. Daisy covers her mouth in fear.*

*Toby snarls at Paulo, stopping him in his tracks.*
*Alejandro watches with a smirk as Paulo’s tail fluffs up.*

Author commentary

Veronica: Poor Mike, he is all “doip to the doip doip”

Honestly, these guys just wanted to hassle these kids in the bar. They didn’t expect Mike to go to where they were hanging out and BREAKING THEIR STUFF. What bad luck!!! Maybe don’t leave your radio playing next time, dumbass!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #122498

pathetic that the scar-guy has to rely on the dog to defend him ONTOP of mugging 8th graders! *Sneaks up behind scar guy and kicks him in the hoho’s. then mauls dog with cat-claws. (no humans in the comic remember?)

Echo November 9, 2010, 10:52 PM EST.

Comment ID #140103

It’s not fair! D:

MirrageNsk January 1, 2011, 6:22 PM EST.

Comment ID #272270

i always found it really cute how daisy hides behind paulo or asks him to do something like the nerd actually knows what to do lmao

coulro January 9, 2014, 5:47 PM EST.

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