Mike: Huh?
*Mike looks at Alejandro wearily as he gets up. Paulo makes a fist and scowls, while Daisy huddles up behind him.*
*Mike scratches the back of his head.*
Mike: Money back? But I ate th’ choc’lates!
*Alejandro smirks and folds his arms. Toby stands behind him.*
Alejandro: You were a few seconds over.
Toby: Easy mistake to make, kid!
*Alejandro looks down at the radio. A scar is evident below his eye.*
Alejandro: Huh.
*The radio sits trashed on the ground. Mike looks up, blankly.*
Alejandro: That was an expensive radio.
*Alejandro leers at the group.*
Alejandro: I think you’ll all need to pitch in for that.
Alejandro: Let’s say $200. I’m sure a bunch of rich kids can handle it.
*Daisy watches Alejandro, fearful. Paulo protectively puts an arm out in front of her.*
Daisy: P-Paulo..
*Paulo scowls.*
Paulo: Oh, SHUT UP! We’re just trying to get home, alright?
*Paulo shrugs and grits his teeth, irritated. Alejandro looks confused.*
Paulo: Like we’re scared of two punks. Let’s just go.
*Alejandro recomposes himself. He crosses his arms and laughs.*
Alejandro: Hmph.
Alejandro: You don’t know what you’re getting into.
*Daisy looks worried. Paulo maintains his scowl.*
Alejandro: Stay out of trouble, kid. Pay up and you’ll get home fine.
*Paulo, gritting his teeth, balls his hands up into fists and gets ready to spring forward.*
Paulo: Just leave us the hell alone, OKAY?!
*Paulo rushes at Alejandro. Daisy covers her mouth in fear.*
*Toby snarls at Paulo, stopping him in his tracks.*
*Alejandro watches with a smirk as Paulo’s tail fluffs up.*
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Reader comments
Comment ID #122498
pathetic that the scar-guy has to rely on the dog to defend him ONTOP of mugging 8th graders! *Sneaks up behind scar guy and kicks him in the hoho’s. then mauls dog with cat-claws. (no humans in the comic remember?)
Echo November 9, 2010, 10:52 PM EST.
Comment ID #140103
It’s not fair!
MirrageNsk January 1, 2011, 6:22 PM EST.
Comment ID #272270
i always found it really cute how daisy hides behind paulo or asks him to do something like the nerd actually knows what to do lmao
coulro January 9, 2014, 5:47 PM EST.