89. Guest of Honor, page posted 8/19/15

Page 29 of 48

Guest of Honor — Page 29



*Paulo holds the tape recorder to the voice actors. The voice actors huddle together to speak into the recorder.*

*Paulo looks absolutely delighted.*

*Daisy watches him with a warm smile.*

*Paulo places his hands on Daisy’s shoulders, a huge grin on his face.*
Paulo: This is the coolest shit EVER! Who else is here?

*Daisy gestures to her bag.*
Daisy: Do you want to look through the booklet while I find a bathroom?
Paulo: Sure!

*Paulo holds onto Daisy’s bag and waves at Daisy as she walks off. She waves back.*

Paulo: ..

*Paulo notices something in the distance and heads towards it, smiling.*
Paulo: !

Author commentary

Oliver: Paulo embracing con life

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

“do you want to look through the booklet while i find a bathroom?” “yeah, sure!” *immediately distracted by something else*
that’s m'boy paulo

Tumblr: itisntrocketscience August 20, 2015

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