89. Guest of Honor, page posted 8/21/15

Page 30 of 48

Guest of Honor — Page 30



*The author is counting money.*

*Paulo smiles, looking back at the author as he walks away from the booth.*
Author: Thanks for stopping by!

*Paulo glances at Daisy’s bag.*

*Paulo looks down and smiles fondly to himself.*

Sue: Paulo?!
*Paulo looks startled.*

*He looks up to see Stacy, Sue, Abbey, Mike and Amaya, who stare at him in mutual shock. All but Mike are in SwordsVale cosplay. Stacy blushes and hides behind Sue.*

Author commentary

Oliver: Yeahhhh, that’s what playing MMORPGs will do to you.

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Comments from around the web

who wants to bet me five bucks that mike or sue is going to burst out all snarky like “gee paulo i didn’t know you liked NERD SHIT”

Tumblr: lettherebeponies August 22, 2015

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