89. Guest of Honor, page posted 6/15/15

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Guest of Honor — Page 1



*Paulo lays on his bed, looking up at the ceiling, his arms behind his head. He recalls Tess’ words to him on their night at junior prom.*
Tess: We all change over the years. You think you like me now.. but later? Please.. someone else will love you..

*Paulo tosses his head to the side.*
Paulo: Sheesh..

*Paulo curls to the side and shuts his eyes.*
Paulo: Who knows ..

*Paulo’s eyes grow large as he hears someone knocking.*

Author commentary

Oliver: Welcome to a new chapter, and a new style! That’s right, this chapter will be all-digital in a limited palette. It’s the same style you might have seen at Ask Roseville High lately, but with some refinement.

We want to thank everyone who came over the weekend to watch our marathon drawstream (or, drawathon) which lasted 39 hours over three days. We thank you for all the amazing support, giving us a lot of chat topics, buying a bunch of books, and pledging to our new Patreon campaign. It was a big exhausting success.

Please excuse the state of the BCB site for a little while as we recover from it all. All we really want to communicate today is: check the Patreon if you haven’t already (all pledges go towards next month’s stream!) and check out all the weekend’s drawings on Candybooru!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

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