89. Guest of Honor, page posted 9/14/15

Page 40 of 48

Guest of Honor — Page 40



Mike: What happened? Are you okay?

*Paulo smirks.*
Paulo: I made fun of some punk kid’s stupid dress.

*Paulo begins to stand up.*
Paulo: I deserved it.

*Mike follows Paulo out of the restroom.*
Mike: Do you remember what he looked like? We can go find securi--
*Paulo wipes his eye.*
Paulo: Heh, don’t be such a nerd.

Author commentary

Oliver: What a sweetie. Paulo and all that machismo.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

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All the people defending Abbey (or at least saying what he’s doing isn’t so bad) have probably never had anything like this happen to them. 
To be physically assaulted when you did nothing is the worst thing ever. To flinch when you see someone is the WORST THING EVER. 
Paulo can be a dick, and Abbey has every right to dislike him, heck, it’s even ok for him to not trust Paulo. Even I think Paulo has a  lot to prove still, even with some of the changes he’s gone through. 
But this is unacceptable. And also illegal fyi. 
But lets be real, these people probably think it was ok for Lucy to make Mike bleed. :^) 

Tumblr: kivulini September 14, 2015

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