89. Guest of Honor, page posted 8/7/15

Page 24 of 48

Guest of Honor — Page 24



*Daisy blushes and hands her book to the author. The book has yellow tabs sticking out of the side where Daisy left notes.*

*The author pulls out a pen.*
Author: So, who’m I making it out to?

*Daisy pokes her index fingers together shyly and looks away.*
Daisy: C-Claret--

*Daisy shouts and turns pink.*

Author: Daisy! Pretty name.
Daisy: Y-you too.

*Daisy’s eyes water in delight as she holds her signed book.*
Daisy: Aaathank you so much!!

*Daisy smiles widely.*
Daisy: Can I shake your hand??

*The author looks at Daisy, awkwardly. He glances at his hand caked in cheese dust.*

Author commentary

Oliver: Vero’s experience here, NOT MINE. I eat neat food at cons, like subway sandwiches and subway sandwiches.

We’re taking a trip with Vero’s family upstate over the next week so excuse a little added delay in correspondence and store orders! You have a good weekend. (oh and check out all the BCB cosplay on our blog)

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

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