89. Guest of Honor, page posted 9/28/15

Page 46 of 48

Guest of Honor — Page 46



*Daisy and Paulo ride together in Daisy’s mom’s SUV.*
Daisy’s mom: So how was it, Daisy?
Daisy: Mom, it was AMAZING
Daisy’s mom: Did you get your book autographed?
Daisy: Yep!

*Paulo beams.*
Paulo: And I got a tape recording of the REAL Hyper Space Cadets!
Daisy’s mom: Huh..

Daisy’s mom: The guys in rainbow suits, right?
Daisy: Yeah, I used to watch it all the time!

*Daisy’s mom looks ahead with a knowing smile.*
Daisy’s mom: I remember when we went to the live show. You almost cried.
*Daisy blushes, while Paulo leaps forward, grabbing the side of the driver’s seat in surprise.*
Paulo: You saw the LIVE SHOW?!

*Daisy shyly pokes her fingers together.*
Daisy: I.. uh.. I still have the Power Saber they gave out.

*Paulo, mouth agape, grabs onto the back of Daisy’s seat.*

*His eyes grow wide in amazement. Daisy blushes and grins.*

Author commentary

Veronica: Imagine being a parent taking your kids to embarrassing shows. I was always self-conscious about that so I never really forced my parents to take me to cartoon movies like Pokemon the first movie ;_; Secretly watched it on a VHS in my room.. nobody will know my shame

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Comments from around the web

Tumblr image
relatable girl

Tumblr: drawingcute September 28, 2015


Tumblr: deadrockandroll September 28, 2015

All I can think right now is “Poor Abbey.”

Tumblr: maximilianpugasus September 28, 2015

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