89. Guest of Honor, page posted 9/30/15

Page 47 of 48

Guest of Honor — Page 47



*Daisy holds out a red, blue and yellow plastic Power Saber.*
Daisy: Seriously, have it!
*Paulo’s hands shake as he reaches to grab the saber.*

Daisy: You’re more of a fan than I ever was.
*Paulo’s eyes widen as he stares at the Power Saber.*

*Daisy’s mom stands in the doorway.*
Daisy’s mom: You sure you don’t want a ride home?
Paulo: I’m good. I know the walk.

*Paulo scratches behind his neck.*
Paulo: I guess it’s getting late.
Daisy: Mm.

*Paulo and Daisy stand in awkward silence.*

*Daisy hugs Paulo.*
Daisy: Thanks for such a great day..
*Paulo is startled and blushes.*

*Paulo slides his way out of Daisy’s hug, startling her.*
Paulo: Hey, same!

*Paulo salutes Daisy while tapping her doorframe with the Power Saber.*
Paulo: Let the power be with you!
*Daisy smiles at him, playing with her curls.*

Author commentary

Veronica: what a loser

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

Paulo is totally going to get beat up on his walk home, fuck fuck

Tumblr: princessmisseerie September 30, 2015

i always headcanoned lucy as having bpd as i started reading the comic because i have bpd and she does the same Dumb Fucking Brain Shit i do and apparently vero also has bpd and im tagging this so maybe she’ll see but i really really like lucy a lot and idk if shes written to be borderline but she reminds me of myself a lot so seeing all these people who love this character who is so much like me just makes me happy and finding out the person who makes this awesome comic is going through similar brain shit to me like, doesn’t make me feel happy i wouldnt wish this on anyone much less taeshidiary but idk i feel maybe a little more okay about it
because this person who i admire and look up to so much makes such awesome things and is just generally cool and nice and hilarious and an amazing artist and has done all this awesome stuff and just. idk this is weird im weird im gonna post this anyways yolo

Tumblr: bubblegumdem0n October 1, 2015

im seriously concerned for paulos safety fuck

Tumblr: thefleshmustgrow October 1, 2015

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