89. Guest of Honor, page posted 8/17/15

Page 28 of 48

Guest of Honor — Page 28



*A younger David and Paulo clasp each other’s hands.*
David and Paulo: Hyyyperrr Space Cadets~..

*David and Paulo strike a pose and high five.*
David and Paulo: ASSEMBLE!

*Paulo and Daisy chat as they wait in line.*
Paulo: How’d you even know?
Daisy: I used to play with you guys, remember?

*Younger David carries off a startled younger Daisy, while younger Paulo runs after them.*
Daisy (narrating): David made me the damsel. You had to rescue me.

*Paulo looks a little embarrassed.*
Paulo: Heh. I don’t think I ever could. David was way strong.
Daisy: It’s okay!

*A glint appears in Paulo’s eyes as he grabs the tape recorder, grinning gleefully.*
Paulo: Oh well, joke’s on HIM now!

Author commentary

Oliver: Paulo remembers the 90s.

Back from our trip! Back to work. Back to.. getting a news post ready for Wednesday. OH BOY!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

WELP i guess daisy has liked playing the victim from a young age 


Tumblr: mscat August 17, 2015

Gah another webcomic I catch up to. Now to wait…*explodes*

Tumblr: jordanarodriguez August 17, 2015

Tumblr image
Look at this Kawaii lil shit. If I met Orson Welles at a con and my friend happened to have a recorder on hand I’m almost absolutely certain this’d be me. Provided he came back to life.

Tumblr: proxy-fox August 15, 2015

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