89. Guest of Honor, page posted 7/24/15

Page 18 of 48

Guest of Honor — Page 18



[A closeup of the tray, with food and drinks mostly eaten.]
Daisy: Oh man ..

*Daisy holds her hands to her head as she winces.*
Daisy: Brain freeze..
Paulo: Take it easy!

Daisy: Totally worth it.
*Daisy grins. She has a bit of milkshake on her chin.*

*Paulo crosses his arms and smiles.*

*Paulo notices the milkshake on Daisy’s face.*

*Paulo points to Daisy, who looks confused.*
Paulo: Hey, uh, your face.

*Daisy wipes the opposite side of her face.*
Paulo: Other side.

*Daisy wipes too far away from the milkshake.*
Paulo: No, no, other side.

*Paulo closes his eyes, exasperated.*

Author commentary

Oliver: I wish they were sucking on the same strand of spaghetti.

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