89. Guest of Honor, page posted 7/31/15

Page 21 of 48

Guest of Honor — Page 21



*Daisy and Paulo pass by other congoers and cosplayers in the venue.*
Daisy: We just need to see two booths and then we can be done, okay?
Paulo: Sure. Grand Annex, right?

*Daisy and Paulo chat while taking the escalator.*

*Daisy looks around and Paulo blankly stares straight ahead.*

*Daisy turns to see what Paulo is looking at.*

*An author with blue fur, blue hair and glasses sits at a booth with various books. The Muscadet cosplayer is buying a book.*

Paulo: Is that him?
*Daisy’s eyes go wide and she hides behind Paulo.*
Daisy: How’d you know?

Author commentary

Oliver: Hey, this guy has the same price tags we use.

A lot of the scenes on this page were drawn from real life references, mostly at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston! I mean, it’s kinda hard to tell here, but more comes up later. Please treasure the fact I took ref photos in the artists alley against the wishes of a million animus. It was all for art, I swear!

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