80. Happy Hour, page posted 10/29/13

Page 12 of 51

Happy Hour — Page 12

Author commentary

Veronica: another one bites the dust

To be fair to Rachel, she wasn’t there when Mike ate all the chocolate liqueurs!

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Comment ID #263542

You know, I’d say everything could go alright if he sticks with just the one drink and keeps a cool head… But who am I kidding. Some s***s gonna go down.

SuperGnome October 29, 2013, 1:08 PM EDT.

Comment ID #263550

Now this brings the questions. “Will Mike blurt out about what happened between him and Lucy? Will anyone be sober enough to understand the situation? And if so, will they even remember the conversation the next day?”

This chapter can go two ways; a situational comedy, or drama. With how the chapter leads off I would think comedy. But alcohol can be a catalyst for problems too. That and with how many pages are left I can only speculate.

Sorry for grammar / typos if any. Posting from phone.

Fenfir October 29, 2013, 1:12 PM EDT.

Comment ID #263589

Mike doesn’t do well with controlled substances. Remember in confrontation when he ate that liquor chocolates. And then in the Halloween chapter where he ate those pills.oh well Mike at least you’re happy drunk.

sen October 29, 2013, 2:50 PM EDT.

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