80. Happy Hour, page posted 12/3/13

Page 37 of 51

Happy Hour — Page 37

Author commentary

Veronica: yeah i’m just gonna stand over here, I’ve caused enough trouble

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Comment ID #269110

The rest of them are used to holding their beer, this is most of our casts 1st time actually drinking

Alfavhunter December 3, 2013, 1:07 PM EST.

Comment ID #269125

Hm. Looks like Mike’s feeling the same rejection he promised Lucy. I’m not a Mike hater, but… ha. Irony.

It’s probably more self-imposed than anything else. Hopefully he won’t turn into a mopey attention seeker wallowing in his misery when he sobers up.

Zott December 3, 2013, 1:30 PM EST.

Comment ID #269152

And Mike has just left the party. At least that’s what I think with ALL that snow in the last panel. Unless its zeroing in on someone else, but my vote goes to Mike leaving the party, because he didn’t look like he was in a festive mood anymore. I wouldn’t be either if everyone knew I did something bad.

Subaru December 3, 2013, 4:48 PM EST.

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