80. Happy Hour, page posted 11/27/13

Page 33 of 51

Happy Hour — Page 33

Author commentary

Veronica: I like that Rachel knows Paulo can (and will try to) calm Mike down, even though just a moment ago he was throttling Mike for what he said to Lucy in December.

Their bond is deeper than they expect..

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #268250

Well, ever since Carson got cut, I guess someone needs to fill the void….
The worst part is that there are other people at this party… who are just watching all of this happen. Either way, there’s a valuable lesson to be learned from this: they should never drink. Especially considering that Abbey is now drunk/getting drunk, and I doubt he’s the funny kind.

Nikita November 27, 2013, 1:00 PM EST.

Comment ID #268258

I love how she literally just shoved Mike into Paulo’s arms, though I can’t tell if she’s helping Mike or punishing Paulo <<”

ANW November 27, 2013, 1:02 PM EST.

Comment ID #268394

@Adam - Remember when she was saying to Jessica that she WANTED in on all that drama (Starting over)? This is the best birthday ever. XD Drama, right in her home! And she didn’t even have to say a word!

Zone November 28, 2013, 1:56 AM EST.

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