80. Happy Hour, page posted 12/2/13

Page 36 of 51

Happy Hour — Page 36

Author commentary

Veronica: oh right it’s a birthday party

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Comment ID #268994

I was gonna say something like cake heals all wounds. But cake didn’t stop Lucy from leaving…

13lackout December 2, 2013, 1:22 PM EST.

Comment ID #269064

@Lickit&stickit : They’re not actually boyfriend-girlfriend, though.
Paulo wasn’t using her for a «quick lay», he was in a state of emotional breakdown, and accepted the comfort Rachel offered him. He regretted it afterwards. She also offered him emotional support afterwards, fully conscious of the feelings he still had for Lucy.

Sambo December 2, 2013, 8:49 PM EST.

Comment ID #269068

I think the looks on their faces are more embarrassment that horror. They just realized that they are at a party. Their eyes shrink because
1) They totally forgot other people existed.
2) They totally forgot that birthday parties are places of happiness, not angst.
3) They feel really guilty for making Rachel work on her special day.

The realization has flabbergasted them all. The half-hearted “yay” comes from being really surprised and embarrassed. I’m surprised they managed even that. And Rachel is super embarrassed because she is like the lens of some giant angst lazor. Hopefully it will all dissipate and they will enjoy themselves. Embarrassment usually dissolves angst, (that’s what a teenager’s parents are for), so hopefully they can relax and properly fix their problems. Let them eat cake!

Lordofrye December 2, 2013, 10:08 PM EST.

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