80. Happy Hour, page posted 10/30/13

Page 13 of 51

Happy Hour — Page 13

Author commentary

Veronica: Souppy wanted Abbey to just have a shocked expression with no dialogue on the final panel, but I really wanted to make it pretty clear that Abbey would never do such a thing with an intoxicated girl just like nobody else should OK

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Reader comments

Comment ID #263736

And Abbey is the last one standing. I doubt he will even take a sip of the intoxicating liquor or whatever they put in those drinks, considering all he stands for.

Also, I friggen knew Daisy would get drunk, one point for Gabba.
Who’s betting on Mike spilling the Lucy beans while he’s drunk off his rocker?
also abbey and Daisys expressions on the last panel are just yes.

Gabba October 30, 2013, 1:24 PM EDT.

Comment ID #263777

Abbey’s smart. A whole ton of you think he’s going to get drunk too, but I have my bet’s placed that he’s going to stay sober, stay smart, and end up being everyone’s ride home. Because he’s a good, smart guy.

NuggetBiscuit October 30, 2013, 3:50 PM EDT.

Comment ID #263786

*le gasp* D8 DAISY!! You frisky girl ;)
Poor Abbey, being the only sober one is a pain in the *** ..then again h gets to remember EVERYTHING >:D ooohhh the blackmailing possiblities… but Abbey is too much of a gentleman to do such a thing. That’s why I love him.

I bet they’re playing truth or dare! And (as a lot of comments hav pointed out) Mike will have to confess! Or maybe there will be drunk Mike/Paulo action (hey, a fujoshi can dream). Which will it be? Make your bets, ladies and gentlemen 8-D !! **** is going DOWN

Flying Potato October 30, 2013, 4:48 PM EDT.

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