80. Happy Hour, page posted 11/13/13

Page 23 of 51

Happy Hour — Page 23

Author commentary


Oliver: Sorry for the delay in updating, buffer ran out a day earlier than I expected. BY THE WAY

A few hours after yesterday’s update, the Volume Three Kickstarter met its goal! Thank you for all the support so far. Go check it out if you want us to reach the new set of stretchgoals we announced… I’ll try to write a full news post about it soon.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #265488

Sue knows. I think she’s had more than a sinking suspicion for a while. How does Sue know, and nobody else suspects?

Maybe Sue and Lucy were closer than I thought?

I think Sue should be Lucy’s best friend from now on.

EDIT: Sue ain’t letting him get out of it this time. Dat look on her face. She KNOWS.

GingerPaws November 13, 2013, 3:26 PM EST.

Comment ID #265567

That not how you drink beer mike, Go home. You’re drunk.

V1A2 November 13, 2013, 7:15 PM EST.

Comment ID #265571

Mike spilled what I think is beer on him… He’s gonna go home smelling like beer and he’s underage… Welp! That’s not gonna end well!!

dementedViolist November 13, 2013, 7:49 PM EST.

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