80. Happy Hour, page posted 11/7/13

Page 19 of 51

Happy Hour — Page 19

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Veronica: OH WHAT NOW

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Comment ID #264714

I feel sorry for Mike cause of what he is going through, he’s carrying quite a weight around and its all going to come out which will probably end bad for him with how his friends are going to react.

on the other hand it looks like he spilled his beer which a punishable offense.

Chrisd765 November 7, 2013, 1:14 PM EST.

Comment ID #264724

1.,,Your dumb rebound.. He doesn’t even LOVE you.” Paulo breaks down at the very thought of Lucy gone.
2.,,Nobody could love you for who you are.” They turn a birthday party into a crying party ‘cause of her depart and end it with a toast in her name.
What Mike, are you choking on all those pathetic and selfish words you had to swallow back down? :smirk:

B-Dawg November 7, 2013, 1:27 PM EST.

Comment ID #264812

Aww, now I feel bad for Mike ;_; Poor guy.

Dear all Mike haters: GET OVER IT. He feels bad about what he did, what more do you want? Unless you don’t remember him breaking down in tears in the middle of the street? :nope:

I hope his friends don’t go too apesh*t on him when he reveals what he did. It wasn’t entirely his fault and he doesn’t deserve to suffer that. Although I have a feeling that they will… hopefully Daisy’ll protect him some.

Sambo November 7, 2013, 5:29 PM EST.

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