114. Double Down, page posted 1/3/22

Page 11 of 62

Double Down — Page 11

Author commentary

Veronica: Good, he answered the question. Now he can go back to zoning out in peace. Time to brb from reality again.

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #19270

Oh my god, just have a conversation you two. Have one of your friends there as a mediator, just TALK instead of making out and making each other feel bad.


Comment ID #19271

We've seen before that their friends are not good mediators at all. They'd need a professional in that kind of situation.

Kash Bran  

Comment ID #19272

They haven't specifically taken the job as mediator, they've just been there.


Comment ID #19273

I think Sue or Augustus could probably handle it very well.


Comment ID #19274

Lucy: I saved your ass. You owe me five bucks.

Mike: I don’t have five bucks.

Lucy: Steal it from one of our friends.

Mike: Okay.


Comment ID #19275

Even if she has changed her mind on wanting to be in contact with him, it may not be helpful for either of them to be close right now.

However, she knows the signs better then anyone. I hope she reaches out to his family or a teacher to ask for help. He needs a counselor to talk this out with. It is a bit above the pay grade of other teens at this point.

He still isn’t a safe person for her to be around. With time and help someday he can be, but if she steps in personally it will just be the same old “Lucy fixing what Sandy broke” dynamic. That pattern prevented Mike from making active choices for himself in this relationship. He could count on Lucy to meet his emotional needs when Sandy fell short. Mike needs to be the one to realize that his relationship with Sandy isn’t what he needs to be happy and Lucy has already been hurt enough in that dilemma.


Comment ID #19276

Never really been a fan of these two as a pairing but at this point Mike really doesn't deserve Lucy. It seems like she always ends up being the rebound whenever something happens with Sandy. Lucy should really just move on completely. Maybe to Sue? 😉


Comment ID #19277

To be fair, Lucy does the same to other guys like Paulo and Augustus.

Robert Davis  

Comment ID #19278

Not even comparable. Lucy never treated them like they were invisible beforehand.


Comment ID #19279

sucy time


Comment ID #19280

Just gonna say it, awful teaching strategy… that class looks like they’re watching paint dry, even Daisy looks like she’s having to fight glazing over

Leroy Fontaine  

Comment ID #19281

Yea Lucy needs to stay clear of Mike for a little while longer, at least until he can pull himself together. I’m saying this in hopes that Mike doesn’t try anything drastic given his depressed state.


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