114. Double Down, page posted 2/18/22

Page 31 of 62

Double Down — Page 31

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Comment ID #19824



Comment ID #19825

Welp I’m back to relating hard with Mike

Red Miso  

Comment ID #19826

I’m in this page and I don’t like it


Comment ID #19827

Then you change who you are.

Phoebe Zeitler  

Comment ID #19828

Imposter Syndrome?

LadyDoll -  

Comment ID #19829

Daisy is such a good friend ;-;


Comment ID #19830

Sadly self villainisation is a regular occurrence of abuse victims. Others reactions have never helped


Comment ID #19831

This is so true in life. Don’t keep things bottled up because that pressure will continue to build and build until you explode all at once. If it’s bothering you, let it out and make it known. Your voice matters too.


Comment ID #19832

I think Mike is genuinely nice underneath all of his poor decisions. I still am not Mikes biggest fan since he really has done some shitty shit but I do hope he has a happy ending. One without being with Lucy ofc.


Comment ID #19833

Everyone in this cast needs therapy.


Comment ID #19834

Well, you slammed Paulo’s face into a table, so, bud… seriously that was so fucking shocking and jarring to read bc he straight up broke that dude’s nose!!! and Paulo didn’t get medical help!!! that freaked me out man, and I don’t even like Paulo that much. Mikie is cruel and can be nice at the same time.

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #19835

I mean, Paulo did literally send a mob who left Mike battered and bruised (multiple times) to the point where his original scarf got destroyed. It’s clearly left an emotional scar as we can see with him referring to himself as a cheater and even in his dream sequences we can see its lingering effects. What Paulo did is likely part of why Mike wanted to seperate himself from Lucy in the first place. So yeah; slamming Paulo into the table wasn’t good, but he has done a lot worse to Mike over the years

Alex Covey  

Comment ID #19836

YEAAAH DAISY GOOD ADVICE!!!!!!!! also time to kin mike again now


Comment ID #19837

I want the “Doubl[ing] Down” to be standing up to and breaking up with Sandy. I said this before in Eternal Flame but it would be so relieving to see Mike grow beyond her.


Comment ID #19838

Thank you for explaining that, Daisy.

Set your boundaries ahead of time instead of internalizing it until you blow up on ppl who have no clue that they’re hurting you or what’s too far for you.

Kash Bran  

Comment ID #19839

I get the sense that Mike has never really been taught how to have healthy boundaries or take time to think about what he wants vs what another person wants. He had always just done what is expected of him, ie get good grades, be as nice as possible to everyone regardless of his real feelings about them.. Probably part of why so many of the high school girls crushed on him, if he went out of his way to be nice to them and didn’t have the emotional boundaries for himself it can look from the outside like romantic interest.

He only speaks up when things have already escalated to emergency status and it catches other characters unaware. He was not wrong to ask for space from Lucy or to call her out on how she treated him, but it was that he went a step too far into destroying her mental health and unloading years worth of issues and hurt.

This is stuff a therapist could really help him with, but Daisy’s take is a good step in the right direction.


Comment ID #19840

*shadow the hedgehog voice* THIS IS WHO I AM!!!!


Comment ID #19841

Daisy: You mean the spawn of Satan, yes you are.

Mike: (cries)

Daisy: (smiles)


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