114. Double Down, page posted 5/2/22

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Double Down — Page 60
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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #20775


Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #20776

They fuckin


Comment ID #20777



Comment ID #20778



Comment ID #20779

Paulo & Lucy

Turbo Chu  

Comment ID #20780

Ohhh. I'm reading about the play but I forgot what chapter that was lol


Comment ID #20781

Wow o. o' it.. It's true!


Comment ID #20782

nooooooo lucy why did u do that XC


Comment ID #20783

These poor kids. Now that we know what Lucy does after the play... it breaks my heart. The falling out with Mike, the move... She was taking on so much. She did this just to give Paulo one last hurrah, despite being in a bad place


Comment ID #20784

what is even happening rn


Comment ID #20785

They getting it in


Comment ID #20786

Paulo and lucy??

Sky TheTiny'mhytee  

Comment ID #20787

Nope, it’s Chuck Testa.

orgasm donor  

Comment ID #20788

Very relieved that we didn't see anything specific, but now seeing Lucy's dead eye stare throughout curtain call feels worse


Comment ID #20789

To be fair, the dead eyes started after Mike's blow up in "December."


Comment ID #20790

The fact that the dead eyes remain is pretty terrible as well. This meant nothing at all to Lucy, it was just piled onto the rest of guilt mountain, while Paulo thought they were in ~love~


Comment ID #20791

Lucy? impossible...so sad

Laura Guzmán  

Comment ID #20792



Comment ID #20793

Peak destructive behavior from Lucy. I've always felt bad for Paulo based on this- it's very clear how much this misdirection messed him up :( And of course now Lucy feels the guilt and regret. Poor kids

Aussie Armstrong  

Comment ID #20794

Bow chicka wow wow


Comment ID #20795



Comment ID #20796

This is so incredibly sad, considering the context. Certainly doesn't sound like Lucy's first time was especially enjoyable for her. Really just giving everyone what she thinks they want from her on the way out the door. Rereading curtain call after seeing this is brutal. Paulo had just broken up with Jasmine and started coming onto Lucy again out of the blue. Her glaring and then almost defeated look as he starts nervously trying to start with her again. Paulo flustered, and then smug on his way out the door when faced with Mike, just happy to one-up him again. The way she's unhappily clutching her own shoulders when Mike comes in. God it's so miserable.


Comment ID #20797



Comment ID #20798

Thought this might have been a retcon, but nope, also did a re-read and the reality we're getting now was heavily implied. Full context hitting like a truck.


Comment ID #20799

Lucy really needs better coping mechanisms


Comment ID #20800

100% agree because that is what I did and looking bad none of the sex I had with guys who constantly went after me for my body never made me feel good. It made everything worse. Took me a while at that age but for those who are still teens SEX DOESNT EQUAL LOVE AND CARE especially during a depressive episode


Comment ID #20801

mein gott

Hunter Moore  

Comment ID #20802

Just like that.


Comment ID #20803

Lucy: Fascinating! I never knew of looking for Mew under the truck in Vermilion City, thanks for the advice!

Paulo: No problem.


Comment ID #20804

i get the feeling this isn't paulo and lucy, but instead it's sandy and the other guy she had was or is dating on the side.


Comment ID #20805

Its definitely Paulo and Lucy during Curtain Call. Lucy is wearing the green shawl from the play


Comment ID #20806

you are highly likely to be correct, but im not sure yet, will have to wait for the next page to get the answer.


Comment ID #20807

This is either Paulo and Sandy, or Sandy and someone else...either way this is going to be a disastrous issue


Comment ID #20808

My two brain cells are having a fight over which pair this is whilst my soul has left the building


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