114. Double Down, page posted 2/2/22

Page 24 of 62

Double Down — Page 24

Author commentary

Veronica: I wanted the page where Mike was whispered the answer to be kinda ambiguous when it came to who whispered. We get our answer here... very clever, Daisy...

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #19686

Seems we all forgot Daisy knew the whisper trick

Red Miso  

Comment ID #19687

Wait wait wait that was Daisy?? I always had a tiny hunch but really didn't think it was likely


Comment ID #19688

I can't believe how precious and adorable she is

Aiden Reff  

Comment ID #19689

Cheating in school? Guess were on the Daisy corruption arc.


Comment ID #19690

pls, she's been helping people cheat since back when Sandy remembered they were close enough to do slumber parties as kids

Mobius Gopherhole  

Comment ID #19691

Daisy Daisy you silly goose


Comment ID #19692

Mike - "I'm a shit person Daisy" Daisy- "I know 🙃"


Comment ID #19693

It's because everyone grew up and left you behind, Mike. They aren't perfect but they're doing better having actually faced problems head on and speaking to each other. Then again, Mike and Lucy were codependent on each other. It's harder for them.

LadyDoll -  

Comment ID #19694

This has been a real page turner hahaha! Looks like Mike is starting to really hate himself now.

Robert Davis  

Comment ID #19695

It looks like this chapter is about 'knowing people still love you when you're at your worse' and 'getting over old crushes'


Comment ID #19696

Cuz she's a nice person.

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #19697

Lol everyone knows about Lucy's whispering strat, it was revealed to everyone back in the chapter it was featured in, which was Aftermath :P

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #19698

I'm glad it was Daisy who whispered the answer to Mike and not Lucy

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #19699

Daisy: I've been wondering that too, especially I hate you.


Comment ID #19700

Because Daisy is understanding and a kind soul, too precious for this world!!


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