114. Double Down, page posted 4/20/22

Page 56 of 62

Double Down — Page 56

Author commentary

Veronica: You have to be more specific, Paulo.

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #20699

Aw, Mike's expression :(

Emma Breslauer  

Comment ID #20700

Mike: Oh, he must be talking about me. "Sorry, I have no idea! No emotionally unstable cat here!"

Ella Cromeens  

Comment ID #20701

Lucy is pushing herself away...

Haruhi Hatake  

Comment ID #20702

Kudos for trying though :)

Josue Aquino  

Comment ID #20703

Lmfao, so true. He couldn't deal with Sandy or Lucy well when they hid their emotions from him.

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #20704

Having a bit of a retrospection are we now?


Comment ID #20705

Kinda mature change for the both of them. They are seeing their own and others hurdles and are honest about how they cannot and can approach things.


Comment ID #20706

Uh oh those lifeless eyes are coming back.


Comment ID #20707

The more I see those eyes on Mike, the more I worry we're gonna start seeing parallels to the path Lucy started down. And thinking about that now makes me REALLY worry about how prominent a symbol the tree has become for Mike's relationships. I want to believe that I'm getting ahead of myself, and the scene with Daisy this chapter showed a lot of promise of things getting better, but... I really just can't shake the feeling that things might keep getting worse for Mike before they get better, especially if he continues putting off talking with Sandy and keeping secrets that reinforce him perceiving himself as an irredeemably bad person. I swear, Abby needs to start giving everyone references to his therapist at this point, the vast majority of this cast NEEDS it.


Comment ID #20708

I thought it was going to turn out worse, nice to see them talking things out


Comment ID #20709

You know, these cats are going to be alright.


Comment ID #20710

Paulo: [talking about lucy]

Mike: Oh jeez, that's me


Comment ID #20711

Paulo: No you’re not.

Mike: Yeah I know.


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