114. Double Down, page posted 3/18/22

Page 42 of 62

Double Down — Page 42

Author commentary

Veronica: That was the plan, blockhead!

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #20214

It’s a valid question!

Michelle M.  

Comment ID #20215

THANK YOU, PAULO. Get to the heart of the issue.

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #20216

Ohhhhhh. Lucy's doubling down...


Comment ID #20217

I want to be hopeful but the chapter title is making me 😟


Comment ID #20218

Lucy needs a push, but I'm not sure right now is the best time after that argument eith her brother.... though she may be more inclined to talk cus she's already stressed


Comment ID #20219

Lucy: Yes!

Paulo: Okay, that’s good to hear.

Lucy: What!


Their Friends: YAYYYY!!!!

Lucy: >:(

Paulo: :)


Comment ID #20220

At this point even if Lucy doesn't spill the beans, Paulo's attitude toward Mike is definitely still going to change.


Comment ID #20221

Thinking about it now, we all know what happened the last time Lucy spilled something about Mike. Everyone ganged up on him and made things worse. Maybe that could be one of Lucy's main reason's for not wanting to say anything.


Comment ID #20222

tfw Paulo has somehow become one of the most mature characters in the comic

Emma Breslauer  

Comment ID #20223

I don't want Lucy to fall back into her old habits of physical violence... She needs to find a better way to address the things happening to her.

LadyDoll -  

Comment ID #20224

I agree but he grabbed her without consent first. I would swat someone away too.


Comment ID #20225

This is one of the most heartbreaking things about the Mike/Lucy relationship. They both so desperately want to reconcile, they are willing to accept responsibility... but not quite yet. It's still too soon, too raw. And because it still hurts so much, while they may be able to OFFER contrition, neither of them is able to ACCEPT it from the other. And when those efforts are rebuffed long enough... there soon comes a time when they're not offered anymore.

Phoebe Zeitler  

Comment ID #20226

Remember when Paulo was first introduced by slapping Lucy's butt?

Red Miso  

Comment ID #20227

Paulo has matured so much. I'm proud of him.


Comment ID #20228

i am so proud of both of these reactions


Comment ID #20229

Forgot to mention on last page, but I think the relief and surprise I felt was that Lucy has been protecting Mike for... a couple months over ten years, in reader time. I think being there, update-to-update, for all this time has been very special. I wonder how it shapes audience response to some things. That's all the thoughts. Thank you for comic. <3


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