114. Double Down, page posted 3/16/22

Page 41 of 62

Double Down — Page 41

Author commentary

Veronica: Paulo’s unbridled loyalty.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #20182



Comment ID #20183

Paulo is definitely still mad at Mike for his own reasons. Does Lucy even know won't the table smash?


Comment ID #20184

I wish she knew.

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #20185



Comment ID #20186

Can't wait for Paulo and Daisy to get together and awkwardly pick sides in the Mike/Lucy situation

Aussie Armstrong  

Comment ID #20187

Yeah, what will this do to Paulo and Daisy's current friendship? Just when they started to get close too..


Comment ID #20188

They've been best friends for years


Comment ID #20189

Tbh, I don't really think Lucy is the type to ask Paulo not to be friends with Mike. She may make bitter comments about Mike here and there, but she has never wanted his relationships to suffer like this. But I CAN imagine Paulo and Daisy hanging out and talking about Lucy and Mike and arguing over whose fault it is that their friend group fell apart lmao

Aussie Armstrong  

Comment ID #20190

"I'll stop being his friend if you want."

Paulo, what? NO. This is definitely gonna go south


Comment ID #20191



Comment ID #20192

He doesn't mean it Sammy. He's just upset right now.


Comment ID #20193

1) the crazy parallel between daisy and paulo picking a side is something else. Especially since I can see them being together (I still ship PauloxLucy though). but 2) Am I the only one who can hear the scene from the notebook? "What do you want?" "It's not so simple!" "WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

Aesthete Noire  

Comment ID #20194

I just think these two make the best couple wahhhh T_T

Magnolia Porter  

Comment ID #20195

Lucy is a ticking time bomb about to go off


Comment ID #20196

Damn, spill the beans!

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #20197

This is gonna get WORSE before it gets BETTER!

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #20198

God this hits so close to home. I had an abusive bf once and told my best friend. He ended up staying friends with that ex and even went to his wedding. It’s not that I was upset about him living his own life, it just hurt so much to feel like loyalty is only a consideration if it’s convenient. It hurt to feel like my best friend did not care to protect me from someone who was hurting me. I didn’t even get the courtesy Paulo is showing Lucy. It can feel so isolating because who wants to be a wedge between friends? But that’s why she removed herself - it’s just easier.

Gabrielle R  

Comment ID #20199

Excited to know if Paulo will be vindicated or infuriated when he finds out Sandy was cheating


Comment ID #20200

I honestly don't know who will pick which sides.. Daisy is basically team Mike, and I think Abbey would side with him.

Paulo and Sue would be on Lucy's side.. other than that though I'm not sure. I guess this will be the end of the table group. Which is what normally happens anyways in highschool .


Comment ID #20201

now that she knows they all knew i wonder if that solidifies for her that leaving was a good idea as they stayed friends with him even after they knew about what he said. I think they group stayed together due to grief so i get why they didn't up and part ways, it helps to be around people who understand the grief you're feeling, even Mike grieved even though he was a big part in the reason Lucy left. But it's different now so I wonder if the group will begin to disintegrate now that it's all out in the open


Comment ID #20202

"Because I love him"


Comment ID #20203

Makes you wonder if Lucy left the table to avoid this exact situation


Comment ID #20204

Unexpected page in a lot of ways! Love it.


Comment ID #20205

I honestly wished Mike didn't fuck up so badly 😮‍💨 they could all be friends and be awesome together and support eachother! Whhhhhhhhhy did Mike fucked it up so much???????


Comment ID #20206

Codependence is a helluva drug.


Comment ID #20207

Paulo and Daisy doubling down on being there for their friends


Comment ID #20208

I’ve been thinking a lot about the chapters where Paulo was pondering his orientation and he kept coming back to how amazing of a friend Mike is


Comment ID #20209

This page caught me off guard. Wow.


Comment ID #20210

God, Paulo’s so earnest. He may not say the right thing most of the time, but boy does he say it with conviction.

Leroy Fontaine  

Comment ID #20211

Lucy: I don’t?

Paulo: No!

Lucy: ……….I never thought of that.


Comment ID #20212

damn mike really did shoot himself in the foot with paulo huh


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