114. Double Down, page posted 12/15/21

Page 4 of 62

Double Down — Page 4

Author commentary

Veronica: I missed Augustus being a little sassy, GIVE US A SMIRK NEXT TIME, DUDE. YOU’RE TOO DOMESTICATED THESE DAYS.

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #19100

Auggie make friends!! GO BOWLING


Comment ID #19101

The way he looks at Lucy ;-; they just get each other so like that ❤️ it’s scary to branch out


Comment ID #19102

*sarcasm-o-matic breaks*


Comment ID #19103

Are we getting some Lucy Alone time soon?

LadyDoll -  

Comment ID #19104

Can people stop adopting Augustus for five seconds?


Comment ID #19105

no. wont stop until EVERYONE has adopted augustus

Airy Frith  

Comment ID #19106

Oh I love this group 🥰


Comment ID #19107

Take him fishing, do arts and crafts, go to the fair, get that new video game that just came out.

Red Marine  

Comment ID #19108

I'm crying this is the dynamic I didn't know I needed


Comment ID #19109

Wow, he really is the most boring person in town, isn't he?


Comment ID #19110

Bit of an improvement over his old life though

Leroy Fontaine  

Comment ID #19111

I've been legit hoping to see Augustus with Jordan's friends ever since uhhhhh I can't remember which page exactly but it was when Lucy asked if he wanted to walk home together and Gus said he was meeting Jordan and some friends at the library. I'm so excited to see him with Rach and Matt, I want them to be friends in the worst way


Comment ID #19112

It was the chapter Lucy flipped Mike the 🐦 lol. Right after Love Again

Demetrius S.  

Comment ID #19113

Eyes on the road Matt! Haha


Comment ID #19114

ooohhh Jordan and Gus friendshiiiip


Comment ID #19115

F is for friends who do stuff together!


Comment ID #19116

U is for Ur worst enemy, N is for anywhere and any place at all, that's where Alejandro's hiding


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