114. Double Down, page posted 12/31/21

Page 10 of 62

Double Down — Page 10

Author commentary

Veronica: Souppy and I had a big argument about this page because I really wanted to show Mike’s mind racing with anxiety and embarrassment and self-hatred, but he thought if all the dialogue was removed, it would still depict the same feelings! Clearly he doesn’t know what it’s like to be MENTALLY ILL LMAO

Having that brain screaming at you and all. We did end up toning it down and trying to make it less.. spoon-feedy? His monologue was definitely more on-the-nose originally, but I still wanted to show he’s absolutely panicking and feeling completely alone as his mind is completely blanking out.

Oliver: So often I think Vero conveys a feeling visually (using the medium of comics!) but then she chickens out and adds words on top of the highly communicative art!! This was one of those times, but on a second readthrough, in context I think this amount of inner voice is perfectly fine.

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #19198

I want to feel bad….but yeah no


Comment ID #19199

Damn. Boy you gotta end it with her if it’s causing this much turmoil


Comment ID #19200

Just say it was Bush’s fault, the teacher will give you a pass.


Comment ID #19201

I have a feeling Mike is going to snap and throw the book at the teacher.


Comment ID #19202

WAIIIIT is this what I think this is. I feel like this is a specific callback but I can’t identify what chapter I remember seeing this same whispering happen


Comment ID #19203

It was in Chapter 15: Aftermath. Lucy demonstrates how she can whisper so quietly that only Mike can hear.

Robert Davis  

Comment ID #19204

Thank you! That’s exactly it


Comment ID #19205

Is Lucy whispering the answers to him? The text is in dotted lines and is slightly blue??


Comment ID #19206

I think so! also because Mike’s blushing more in the last panel


Comment ID #19207

Is what i think happening…happening? :0


Comment ID #19208

gah they need to have a real conversation that doesn’t revolve around them liking eachother because they both clearly Stull care


Comment ID #19209

I think Mike is gonna have a breakdown. Could that be what the ‘Down’ in the chapter title is really referring to?

Robert Davis  

Comment ID #19210

I think its going to double down in the sense that, Sandy is hurting him while Lucy who he hurt is reminding him of how much better it was with her.

Sandy barely talked to Mike but Lucy could talk to Mike even in the middle of class and risk trouble two opposites

Red Marine  

Comment ID #19211

Mike D: Lucy D: these kids are breaking my heart


Comment ID #19212

I do have the wonder, sometimes when I look at the comments to these posts I feel like everyone’s a little bit more heartless these days. XD

All and all, I can see where each individual is coming from, no one wants to hurt another one, and I’m pretty sure a lot of us fall in that same trap. You don’t mean to do harm, we just find ourselves dissociated.


Comment ID #19213

It tends to be because now most of us who are reading are adults who already learned these lessons and forgot how much we struggled back then at the age the characters are at. Its really easy to judge from the outside when we have all the knowledge and time to process it stress (and puberty) free, like in horror movies saying “That was so stupid I would have done this” when 99% of them would panic, freeze up, or do something else stupid

Red Marine  

Comment ID #19214

Yooo that call back

Red Marine  

Comment ID #19215

For a guy who works with teens all day, sir poodles of noodles is sure oblivious to a kid in agony.

Kit Foxboy  

Comment ID #19216

I want Paulo to be there for him ?


Comment ID #19217

As much as I dislike Mike (due to him being a dead ringer for a friend of mine back in high-school. Just toned back a few degrees.) Seeing him like this sucks, the anxiety of this is so written on his face that I’m surprised the teacher hasnt sent him to the school counselor or something.


Comment ID #19218

Ahh, panic attacks

Leroy Fontaine  

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